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2015.12.03 联系我们

了解 GCBI:www.gcbi.com.cn电话:400-600-4643

2015.03.16 探索年轻的奥秘:重组人生长分化因子GDF-11


2014.05.21 联系我们

邓小燕0571-28182606159 0064 2912dengxy@dxyer.com

2013.10.04 EASD2013:1型糖尿病女性患者血糖控制较差

描述不同性别之间1型糖尿病血糖控制是否有差异的资料有限。为了在一个大型国际数据集中探讨1型糖尿病患者血糖控制是否有性别差异,来自英国爱丁堡大学Sarah Wild教授及其团队进行了一项研究,该研究发现女性比男性有更多可能HbA1c≥7.5%。该研究结果发布在2013年EASD会议
Afinion HbA1c Dx 获 FDA 支持:或成首个获批诊断糖尿病的即时检测系统

2016.08.24 Afinion HbA1c Dx 获 FDA 支持:或成首个获批诊断糖尿病的即时检测系统

根据来自 Medscape 网站的报道,一款来自雅培的名为 Afinion HbA1c Dx 的 HbA1c 即时检测系统获得美国食品药品监察局(FDA)的支持。Afinion HbA1c Dx 和此前获 FDA 批准的名为 Afinion HbA1c 的检测系统大同小异,后者于 2005 年获批临床实验室标准

2012.09.19 1届免疫疾病世界研讨会

Organized by the professional organization- China Liaoning Society for Immunology and Institute of Immunology, China Medicinal University, the 1st Annual International Symposium on Immune Diseases is designed to provide a small and cross disciplinary carefully selected current topics in immunology, from the basic science to clinical treatment. Over 300 global specialists are anticipated to get together to present and share their cutting-edge developments and up-to-date researches in pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and clinical presentation of important immune diseases. We are convinced ISID-2010 will definitely offer an idea platform for promotion and collaboration for relevant companies and institutes of their technologies, products and services.The 1st Annual International Symposium on Immune Disease 2010 (ISID-2010) will include either oral or poster presentations in both academic and industrial settings. All the faculty, academic, clinical and industrial researchers will have their own presentation means to join this event.The conference venue, Beijing is the bilingual and multicultural capital city of China. On August 8, 2008, Beijing brought the world a great surprise for the Olympics opening ceremony. We are sure Beijing will provide an ideal location for what promises to be an exciting and memorable meeting.We look forward to seeing you in Beijing for a stimulating and enjoyable Conference!会议主席:中国医科大学院士 陈洪铎教授会议副主席:中国医科大学 吕昌龙教授会议执行主席:中国医科大学 单凤平教授

2015.02.09 避孕药之父的多面人生:发明避孕药获奖1美元

Diabetologia:1 型糖尿病预期寿命比普通人短 12.2 年

2016.03.20 Diabetologia:1 型糖尿病预期寿命比普通人短 12.2 年

1 型糖尿病会增加死亡的风险,虽然目前的医疗手段已经提高了 1 型糖尿病患者的生存率,但是该病的死亡率仍是正常人的 2~5 倍。血糖控制不达标和急、慢性并发症是影响 1 型糖尿病患者寿命的关键。1 型糖尿病的预期寿命是多少?然而相关研究的文献却很有限。霍教授等针对 1 型糖尿病患者的预期寿命、不同年龄不同原因的死亡数
精神异常伴肢体抽搐的青年男性 1 例

2017.02.12 精神异常伴肢体抽搐的青年男性 1

失禁, 持续 1~2 分钟后自行可缓解, 每天最多可发作 3~4 次。伴记忆力减退、计算力下降、无法与人正常交流,说话逻辑性下降,生活不能自理。发病过程中无肢...,Romberg 征(-),脑膜刺激征(-)。定位诊断思路见下图:图 1 定位诊断思路为了验证对定位诊断的推测,首选检查应该是头颅 MRI,以明确脑部
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